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updated: 6/17/98




Online Testing


Online test introduction
Congratulations on completing this self-paced training module and welcome to the final stage of this training, the online skills test. Testing provides a mechanism for understanding what you have learned in the training as well as allowing your manager to keep track of your training progress, giving credit for the time you have spent learning in a difficult to track environment.

How online testing works
First you will need an Account Name and Student ID. If you do not have this information please see your supervisor or local trainer. They can assist you with the registration process.

Once you have your account information, enter your Account Name and Student ID in the appropriate fields and click the continue button.

After we verify your account information, you can start your exam. Exams have a 20 minutes time limit. If you do not complete the exam within 20 minutes, simply log back onto the testing page and re-attempt the exam.

We now have several different types of exams.

  • Multiple Choice
  • True /False
  • Technical Information Library Matching (We ask a question and you have to enter the TIL Article Number that answers that question.)
  • Essay (Not graded)

All exams may have up to 10 multiple choice questions and may include embedded graphics.

These questions will be based on the self-paced training materials. Select the most correct answers. Attempt all the questions, we do not provide feedback on question you do not answer. Click on a grade button when ready.

The server will grade your answers and provide your exam results. This page will list each question, your answer, the correct answer, feedback on your answer, and a Web link to more information on that question (optional). After completing the test, you will have the option to provide online feedback. You can return to the training home page at any time by selecting the Product Training link.

Once you complete the exam, you can review all your past exam results by selecting the Return to the Course Information Page button and selecting the Review Results button. This page will list all your exams and exam scores you have attempted. You will also see an average score for all your exams. You can review the details of each exam by click on the exam name link.

You can also review your past exams by linking to Login with your account information, and select the Review Results button.

Testing considerations

  • You can attempt an exam only once! While you can log back in and load the exam, once you select the grade button you will recieve an error message stating that you have already attempted that exam.
  • All of our tests have a built in timer. You have 20 minutes to complete the online exam. If you have a problem completing the exam, simply log back onto the server and attempt the exam again. Once you click the grade button, you cannot reattempt the exam.
  • Tricks such as clicking the grade button, then clicking the back button, and then reselecting your answers won't work (note: this is not a bug)
  • Finally, remember that this test is an "open book" test. If you need to refer to other HTML pages when taking the test, open a second window in your web browser before taking the test and use it to view the page you want to access, just remember that there is a time limit. Good Luck!

If you are ready, let's login and attempt the exam!

Student ID:
Then click: